Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Pulling things together

Okay, so maybe mine is not to be an every-day blog. I'd rather have quality over quantity, eh?

It's been a busy time. We're busy deciding on a preschool for DD to attend a few mornings a week, and trying to make that transition sooner rather than later so she can get well used to it before DS/D#2 arrives April-ish. In the meantime, my need for sleep is catching up with me. I've been struggling to get 8 hours or more per night and dragging through many days, and I just read in a guide from my midwife that 8-10 hours, plus a nap some days, is a typical need for sleep during pregnancy. Time to revise expectations a little and go with the flow. It'll be good practice for having a new baby.

So... knitting has been slower, and FlyLady BabySteps almost fell completely by the wayside yesterday. Day 7's task was to add laying out clothes for the next day to my evening routine. Well, when I fell exhausted into bed, I realized I hadn't done it, so I thought through what I needed to wear and exactly where it was. Lucky for me I have a very visual memory. So things weren't laid out this morning, but getting dressed was still nice and quick, which was good since I woke up late. Ah, blessed sleep!

One reason I forgot to lay out clothing is that the list of things to do each day was getting a little long to hold in my memory. FlyLady has obviously been there, because today's task is to start a control journal -- a 3-ring binder with some paper for keeping track of routines. We are warned to do this in pencil, and just to do it, without letting our inner perfectionists get in on the action. So I am going, right now, to get my old Control Journal and write my current routines on new pages in it.

Back now. I'm so glad the instructions are so straightforward and warn against perfectionism! I could just see myself wandering around for half an hour, producing typed pages in sheet protectors, etc. That took about four minutes. Here you can see my new before-bed routine page. Underneath, in the dividers, is all the old stuff from the last incarnation of my Control Journal. I'm going to studiously ignore all that until I'm done with the BabySteps, and possibly forever. Opening it up and trying to get straight back into it was, I believe, my downfall last time around. Oh, and that stuff all around the journal? One of the migratory hot spots I'll be putting out tonight or tomorrow morning, which is currently residing on my coffee table. Looking at it, I actually know where just about everything there belongs. What a relief!

Ahhh, the first sock is finished -- and perhaps more importantly, I've cast on for the second! No Second Sock Syndrome for me.

The hot spot is out, and DD and I spent 10 minutes working to clean up her disaster play area. Not done, but much better. We agreed to do a little each day, FlyLady style, until it's neat again.

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Every day is a lot. I think I blog about three times a week, but only when I have something to say, or feel like it. You need to take care of yourself now, and blogging shouldn't be another pressure on top of what you're already managing, in my opinion!