Saturday, January 19, 2008


I'm feeling distinctly indistinct. Sort of foggy. I just spun for about two hours, nearly continuously, on a Schacht Matchless single-treadle spinning wheel on loan for my spinning class. Our homework was to spin for an hour straight, to get a good rhythm established. Here's what I spun:

It's Corriedale, which I washed last week and carded yesterday.

I'm finding the wheel difficult, mostly the treadling. Things got easier when I tied it to my chair legs so it would stop running away. But something still feels weird about it. I suspect I will prefer a double-treadle wheel. In my spinning class, we can take home a different wheel each week to try it out. I'm hoping for a Schacht Ladybug or Lendrum DT folding wheel this next week. I want to try out a Kromski Sonata, too, but they don't carry those at my LYS, so I'll have to make a field trip to try it if I don't fall in love with another wheel soon.

My spinning teacher warned us before she passed out wheels that the wheel we have the first week never seems to get a fair shake, because we're still working out our own technique, so anything will feel awkward at first. And I will admit it got a lot easier once I worked out some kinks in my treadling and drafting/feeding techniques. But I definitely want to try the others!

In the meantime, I still have my spindling-in-the-grease project for more portable spinning. I wound my white Lincoln into a ball (a very tight ball the size of a good-size tangerine, almost a tennis ball) in preparation for plying, and I still have the greasy brown Corriedale to card and spin. I bought a Schacht hi-lo student spindle so I could have two spindles at home, because DD (age 3.5, so I'm not holding my breath) says she really wants to try spindle spinning, and I don't really want her to try it in the middle of my first yarn project. :/ I like the Schacht better than the Louet student spindle I was issued in class. I seem to be able to keep the Schacht spinning longer with less trouble, which makes sense to me since the Schacht is rim-weighted and the Louet is evenly weighted.

Can you tell I can't think about anything but spinning right now? Time to break out of the fog and fix some lunch before I expire from the low-blood-sugar effects of fiber fever!

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